These days, every age looks younger than its years; forty is the new thirty, sixty is the new fifty, and so on. It’s not only lifestyle choices that define this shift, but also exciting advances in technology. There’s makeup that can rejuvenate our skin and body sculpting to keep our bodies slim. And for the skin around your eyes, there’s EndyMed™ skin tightening!
Over time, our skin produces less collagen, which can lead to fine lines and wrinkles. To reduce those signs of aging, EndyMed prompts collagen production for tighter, smoother skin around the eyes, face, and neck. By tightening the skin, EndyMed not only reduces wrinkles, but also lifts the skin for a youthful, refreshed appearance.
FDA-cleared EndyMed is safe for all skin types and skin tones, and is a great treatment for delicate skin. For lasting improvements without pain or downtime, we love EndyMed skin tightening! To learn more about how EndyMed skin tightening can help you reach your goals, call to schedule your complimentary consultation.
Young Medical Spa® has locations in Lansdale and Center Valley, PA for your convenience. We provide top-notch care to patients near Philadelphia, Allentown, Bethlehem, and Easton.